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Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

2, 4-D

Trade Name: 2,4-D Amine, 2,4-D Ester, Salvo

Group 4

Site of Action: Synthetic auxins

At first symptoms include:

  • Bending, twisting, swelling and elongation of stems
  • Leaf cupping and curling

Followed by:

  • Chlorosis at the growing points
  • Growth inhibition
  • Wilting
  • Necrosis, and death of susceptible plants within 3- 5 weeks
  • Low concentration may cause young leaves to look puckered

Uptake and Translocation

  • Readily absorbed through leaves or roots
  • Translocated primarily in phloem with the sugars but can also move with water in the xylem
  • Accumulation is primarily in the young, rapidly growing meristematic regions of roots or shoots


  • Readily absorbed through leaves or roots
  • Translocated primarily in phloem with the sugars but can also move with water in the xylem
  • Accumulation is primarily in the young, rapidly growing meristematic regions of roots or shoots

2,4-d injury on Sweet Corn 2,4-d injury on Sweet Corn 2,4-d injury on Tomatoes 2,4-d injury on Tomatoes 2,4-d injury on Apple 2,4-d injury on asparagus 2,4-d injury on grape

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