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Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Test Your Knowledge

Seletonized leaves within a raspberry planting

It is late July and you discover recently skeletonized leaves within a raspberry planting, much like those shown in the picture. You suspect this feeding damage was caused by:

or or

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The feeding damage was caused by Japanese beetles. The jagged, irregular shape of the holes in the skeletonized leaves is typical for this beetle.

This type of damage would not be caused by sawfly larvae or tarnished plant bug.

Sawfly larvae are mainly present in early June and chew oblong holes in primocane leaves. The reported damage occurred in late July, at a time when sawfly larvae are no longer present on the raspberry planting.

Tarnished plant bugs feed on flower buds, blossoms, and green and mature fruit only. They do not damage leaves.

Sawfly larvae chew oblong holes in primocane leaves Tarnished plant bug damage on fruit

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