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Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Frost Damage, Hail Injury, Sand Abrasion or Sandblasting

Frost Damage: Frost damage can occur at temperatures below 0°C (32°F).  Frozen leaves and fruit surfaces initially have a water-soaked appearance, then turn brown or black.

Hail:  Severe hail injury results in shredded leaves or defoliation and damaged stems and fruit.

Sand and Wind:  Sand abrasion or sand blasting occurs with high winds on exposed, light, sandy soils.  It may cause stems and leaves on the windward side to develop light tan-coloured roughened areas.  If severe, it can stunt or kill plants and significantly reduce yield.  The whipping of young plants by strong winds can also severely damage or kill plants.  Wind-strips, cover crops, and windbreaks will minimize problems due to wind and sand movement.

Stand loss due to wind and sand blasting Sandblasting damage on pepper stem Hail injury on pepper fruit Wind whipping injury on pepper transplants Hail injury on pepper plant and fruit Wind whipping injury on pepper transplantsClick to enlarge.